藍光影碟(BD 全名:Blu-ray Disc) 是DVD光碟的下一世代光碟格式之一,用以儲存高畫質的影音以及高容量的資料儲存。目前的競爭對手是HD DVD,兩者各有不同的公司支持,欲爭相成為標準規格。 BD的命名是由於其採用波長405奈米的藍色雷射光束來進行讀寫操作。(DVD採用650nm波長的紅光讀寫器,CD則是採用780nm波長。名稱不使用『Blue-ray』的原因為,『Blue-ray Disc』這個詞由於在歐美地區流於通俗口語化,並具有說明性意義,於是不能構成商標申請的許可,因此才去掉英文字e來完成商標註冊。 BD聯盟原本準備在2006年1月的消費電子展上發佈產品,後來相關產品的發佈日期推遲到2006年6月,目前已有索尼、三星電子等多家廠商推出BD光碟產品。 一個單層的BD光碟的容量為25或是27GB,足夠燒錄一個長達4小時的高解析影片。Sony宣佈以6x倍速燒錄單層25GB的BD光碟只需大約50分鐘。而雙層的BD光碟容量可達到46或54GB,足夠燒錄一個長達8小時的高解析影片。而容量為100或200GB的,分別是4層及8層。 TDK已經宣佈研發出6層、容量為200GB的光碟,由於技術的進步,每層的記錄資料達到33.3GB。 Blue lasers have applications in many areas ranging from opto-electronic data storage at high-density to medical applications. Until the mid 1990s, blue lasers were large and expensive gas laser instruments which relied on population inversion in rare gas mixtures and needed high currents and strong cooling. In the mid 1990s Shuji Nakamura at Nichia Chemical Industries in Anan (Tokushima-ken, Japan), made a series of inventions and developed commercially viable blue and violet semiconductor lasers based on gallium nitride compound sectors by using quantum wells or quantum dots spontaneously formed via self-assembly. This invention enabled the development of small, convenient and low priced blue, violet and ultraviolet UV lasers which had not been available before and opened the way for applications such as high-density HD DVD data storage and BD(Blu-ray Disc). The shorter wavelength allows it to read discs containing much more information. Blue laser light usually has a relatively low input-to-power efficiency. Blue lasers usually operate at around 472 nanometers. Media type: High-density optical disc Encoding: MPEG-2, H.264, and VC-1 Capacity: 25 GB (single layer), 50 GB (dual layer) Read mechanism: 1x@36Mb/s & 2x@72Mb/s Developed by: Blu-ray Disc Association Usage: Data storage, high-definition video and Playstation 3 Games