Give some imforation any storms you have encountered...
Give some imforation any storms you have encountered or other natural such as tsunami, flood, earthquakes, etc. 1.Description:(features) 2.How did it affect people/the city? 3.What did you feel? How did you prepare for it?
Here are some questions that you might wanna ask about Tsunami: FEMA: Tsunami A tsunami (pronounced “soo-nahm'ee”) is a series of waves generated byan undersea disturbance such as an earthquake. From the area of thedisturbance, the waves will travel outward in all directions, much likethe ripples caused by throwing a rock into a pond. What is a tsumani? A tsunami (pronounced tsoo-nah-mee) is a wave train, or series ofwaves, generated in a body of water by an impulsive disturbance thatvertically displaces the water column. What does "tsunami" mean? Tsunamiis a Japanese word with the English translation, "harbor wave."Represented by two characters, the top character, "tsu," means harbor,while the bottom character, "nami," means "wave." How Tsunamis Work "On December 26, 2004, a massive underwater earthquake off the coast ofIndonesia's Sumatra Island rattled the Earth in its orbit. The quakemeasuring 9.0 on the Richter scale is the largest one since 1964." How Do Earthquakes Cause Tsunamis Tsunamis can be generated when the sea floor abruptly deforms and vertically displaces the overlying water. Life of a Tsunami Withinseveral minutes of the earthquake, the initial tsunami (Panel 1) issplit into a tsunami that travels out to the deep ocean (distanttsunami) and another tsunami that travels towards the nearby coast(local tsunami). Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Ingeneral, if you think a tsunami may be coming, the ground shakes underyour feet or you hear there is a warning, tell your relatives andfriends, and move quickly to higher ground. Tsunami FAQs What causes a tsunami? Oceanographers often refer to tsunamis as seismic sea waves as they areusually the result of a sudden rise or fall of a section of the earth'scrust under or near the ocean. A seismic disturbance can displace thewater column, creating a rise or fall in the level of the ocean above.This rise or fall in sea level is the initial formation of a tsunamiwave. 2008-04-17 21:37:26 補充: Hope it helps