


世界最高的的台北101大樓 地上有101層 地下有5層 本來是488公尺 改變後頂部設計現在是508公尺 除了是世界最高的大樓外 還有世界最快的電梯 101大樓有非常完善的避雷跟避震措施 堪稱避雷也是世界第一 這些人是在抗議並且想要罷免他們國家的總統 近日許多國際的媒體記者也有在關注這件事 所以我覺得也算是有名的一件事


Later 101 buildings which will grind is had in world highest Taipei 101 underground to have 5 is at first therefore the crown design now is outside 508 meters dividing is the world highest building also has the world quickest elevator 101 buildings to have the lightning protection and the impact proof measure which the extreme will consummate is the possible name lightning protection also is the world 488 meters changes first these people is president in the protest recalls their country, and desire many international medium reporters had also recently pay attention to this question I to think also was a famous matter 2006-11-03 18:19:28 補充: 泰山&娃娃的答案中台北 應該是Taipei 並非 Taibei


The tallest building, Taipei 101 There are 101 floors on the ground and 5 floors under the ground The original height is 488 m, but now it is 508 m after the design of top has been changed. It owns the fastest lift in addition to be the tallest building of the world. Perfect facilities have been built to protect Taipei 101 from thunder-hitting and earthquake damage. The facility for protecting from thunder-hitting can be rated as number one in the world. These people are protesting and wanting to fire their president of the country. A lot of media reporters of world are paying close attention to this recently. So I think it can be regarded as a famous thing.|||||After the world highest Taibei 101 buildings ground had 101 underground to have 5 are originally 488 meters changes the crown design now are 508 meters besides are the world highest building also have the world quickest elevator 101 buildings to have the extremely perfect lightning protection with to shock proof the measure being possible be called lightning protection also are the world first these people are president who recalled their country in the protest and the wish recently many international media reporters also have are paying attention to this matter therefore I thought also was a famous matter|||||Highest 101 buildings of Taibei of the world There are 101 layers on the ground Underground is 5 layers Actually it was 488 metres Is 508 metres that the top is designed now after changing Except that it is the highest building of the world There is the fastest lift of the world There are 101 buildings the shockproof measure has followed in very perfect taking shelter from the thunder It is the first in the world too that can be rated as and take shelter from the thunder These people are protesting and wanting to fire their president of the country A lot of media reporters of world are paying close attention to this too recently So I think I can be regarded as a famous thing



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