Starbucks quit using trans fats in the pastries it serves in half of its 5600 company-owned cafes in the U.S,including outlets in Chicago,LosAngeles,The switch away from trans fats,also known as partially hydrogeated oils,came as he nation's restaurants are rewriting their recipes to comply with a ban that NEW... 顯示更多 Starbucks quit using trans fats in the pastries it serves in half of its 5600 company-owned cafes in the U.S,including outlets in Chicago,LosAngeles, The switch away from trans fats,also known as partially hydrogeated oils,came as he nation's restaurants are rewriting their recipes to comply with a ban that NEW York City will begin imposing next July.KFC will convert to a healthier frying oil at all of its 5,500 U.S.locations by May,and in field tets,McDonald's and Burger King are trying out oils without trans fats,which have been linked to heart disease.But the cooking oil change won't help dieters meet their New Year's resolutions. A Starbucks chocolate chunk scone still packs 510 calories and six grams of saturated fat. 是一篇有關商業的英文新聞,希望英文很強的人可以幫我翻一下中文.謝謝!
Starbucks quit using trans fats in the pastries it serves in half of its 5600 company-owned cafes in the U.S,including outlets in Chicago,LosAngeles,The switch away from trans fats,also known as partially hydrogeated oils,came as he nation's restaurants are rewriting their recipes to comply with a ban that NEW... 顯示更多 Starbucks quit using trans fats in the pastries it serves in half of its 5600 company-owned cafes in the U.S,including outlets in Chicago,LosAngeles, The switch away from trans fats,also known as partially hydrogeated oils,came as he nation's restaurants are rewriting their recipes to comply with a ban that NEW York City will begin imposing next July.KFC will convert to a healthier frying oil at all of its 5,500 U.S.locations by May,and in field tets,McDonald's and Burger King are trying out oils without trans fats,which have been linked to heart disease.But the cooking oil change won't help dieters meet their New Year's resolutions. A Starbucks chocolate chunk scone still packs 510 calories and six grams of saturated fat. 是一篇有關商業的英文新聞,希望英文很強的人可以幫我翻一下中文.謝謝!
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這是討論反式脂肪的新聞,近來很熱門,上wikipedia可以查得到許多相關背景。我來試翻一下︰ 美國5600家星巴克擁有的餐飲店,以及其洛杉磯、芝加哥的零售店,停止在糕點中使用反式脂肪。 不使用反式脂肪(即部分氫化油脂)的這種轉變,是因為美國餐廳正修改食譜來符合紐約市明年七月起強制禁用反式脂肪的命令。 肯德基到五月時會在5500家美國分店更換更健康的油炸用油,而麥當勞和漢堡王正在實地試用各種不含反式脂肪的用油,因為反式脂肪和心臟病相關。但烹調用油的改變並不能滿足節食者在新年的新希望,因為一塊星巴克克的巧克力烤餅就有510(大?)卡和6克的飽和脂肪酸。 1.少數地方有拼字錯誤 came as he nation's restaurants ->came as the nation's restaurants in field tets -> in field tests 2.sorry,我不上星巴克,不知道台灣有沒有賣那種餅,名稱叫什麼。 熱量510大卡比較可能。 我也喜歡閱讀新聞英文,因為貼近生活,印象比較深刻。彼此加油吧!其他解答:428DFA428D9FA6F8