


我有個不熟的朋友要準備來台灣,她說會請IRELAND EMBASSY MALAYSIA‏匯82000英鎊到我戶頭裡,但是IRELAND EMBASSY MALAYSIA‏卻發了一封e-mail,內容為:ATT: XXX I write to you from my office about the fund remitted on your name and information. We do apologies for the last hour information we then hope wait for your update tomorrow office hours. 9am... 顯示更多 我有個不熟的朋友要準備來台灣,她說會請IRELAND EMBASSY MALAYSIA?匯82000英鎊到我戶頭裡,但是IRELAND EMBASSY MALAYSIA?卻發了一封e-mail,內容為: ATT: XXX I write to you from my office about the fund remitted on your name and information. We do apologies for the last hour information we then hope wait for your update tomorrow office hours. 9am -6pm Kindly open the attachment, and fill out the form then send it back to us to facilitate swift. The payment (Governmental Tax) should be made through Western Union Money or Money Gram international Transfer, the sum of (820 GBP) for faster delivery, as soon as you make the payment try to notify us. By sending us the payment slips. PAYMENT INSTRUTIONS; Receivers Name: LU XIAO NA Address : Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia IRELAND EMBASSY MALAYSIA MONEY SWIFT TRANSFER Ireland House the Amp Walk 218 Jalan Ampang 50450 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Hotline: +60102760476 H.O.A.D Mr. Abdul Adam 對方也有打電話到我手機跟我說明這件事情,但是不知道到底是不是真的。另外就是我跟那那位不熟的朋友說我沒這麼多錢,所以她說她匯520英鎊,我匯300。 想請各位幫忙,看這樣的程序是不是詐騙手法。 更新: 謝謝兩位的回答。我早上有打去大使館問過了。




愛爾蘭駐馬來西亞領事館, 地址如下 Address : Ireland House, The Amp Walk, 218 Jalan Ampang, 50450, Kuala Lumpur Telephone : +603 2161 2963 Fax : +603 2161 3427 E-mail : kualalumpurembassy@dfa.ie Website : http://www.ireland-embassy.com.my/ The public office is open Monday to Friday from 9.30 – 13.00 and from 14:30 – 16:00 .因爲我有做有關領事舘領使住家既電工, 請直接聯絡佢地. 記住, 貪者貧字腳, 平宜莫貪. 不然你就連300英鎊都煲湯啦。 2009-09-29 22:40:03 補充: +6010XXXXXXX 係手機號碼 2009-09-29 22:40:27 補充: +6010XXXXXXX 係手機號碼 2009-10-01 01:05:01 補充: 結果如何?是哪一個電話號碼? 2009-10-01 01:05:22 補充: 結果如何?是哪一個電話號碼?


信者失救 拿住82000英鎊匯,只要你俾820英鎊手續費便可給你. 不論佢是人或是一間公司,亦或是一間銀行要付款出外一定先在匯款中扣除手續費. 銀行服務要收費,你有無見過人攞銀行存款利息要先付手續費. 如果真係存820英鎊便可得82000英鎊,佢自己大把親戚,怎會搵你D咁既朋友.佢都怕你唔俾返佢. 呢D故事天天都有發生,留意下網上及新聞啦.0DD936AF46DC4FD4
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