我想問''溏心風暴''出現遇既中,英文歌名及 mp3,,, 更新: 我想要既係常在心like既舊歌,,,and出現遇既中,英文歌名及 mp3,,, Thanks~
你係唔係想要mp3呀?我比個網子你~你去按Downlow下載就ok聽到 下面係 My Love Will Get You Home 的mp3歌曲下載 網子http://www.rogepost.com/n/4024929830 係me自己上載的~你聽聽~係在''溏心風暴''常在心(鍾嘉欣)話好like的歌 Christine Glass - My Love Will Get You Home if you wander off too far, my love will get you home if you follow the alone star, my love will get you home if you ever find yourself losing long alone, get back on your feet and think of me, my love will get you home, boy, my love will get you home if the bright lights blind your eyes, my love will get you home if your troubles break your strike, my love will get you home if you ever find yourself losing long alone, get back on your feet and think of me, my love will get you home, boy, my love will get you home if you ever feel ashamed, my love will get you home whenever is only you too blame, my love will get you home if you ever find yourself losing long alone, get back on your feet and think of me, my love will get you home, boy, my love will get you home if you ever find yourself losing long alone, get back on your feet and think of me, my love will get you home, boy, my love will get you home, boy, my love will get you home 關菊英 - 講不出聲《 溏心風暴 》主題曲 作曲: 鄧智偉填詞: 張美賢 誰人能得到一切的渴求 誰人無攻於心計的理由 平凡人生 天真過後 要怎麼走 如果從萎曲中再相信人 誰無狂想 不可告人 難忘時光 必須散席 留下我 *快樂時 抱著時 那時至死不渝 朋友 缺裂時 你為何 以為再拖一回 還有時候 即使多風光都要清醒 有幾多掌聲也是孤清 你只可聽到我大笑聲 哭也 也未放聲 講不出聲講不出聲 任由自己半夜驚醒 我只不過偶爾受了驚 於是 才遺忘本性* 誰人能甘心一世一個人 如果才得資格可愛人 誠惶誠恐 只得我是 明白我